Friday, 7 June 2019

ratio art

Hi everybody its me Lincoln. this is my ratio art it has different callas. This is a ratio it  is when there is two different things then it go together.


  1. Hey Lincoln I really liked your blog post about your ratio art it is really creative and it is really colorful. This reminds me of when we done our ratio art mine was really really bad. But yours looks really nice. Keep up the good work Lincoln.

    Thanks for sharing your learning you should check out my blog @ Blog Ya Later

    1. Thank you Matthew for the comment

  2. Kia ora, my name is Asfan and I am from room 23 at Owairaka District School. I really like your blog post about Ratio art.
    Thanks for sharing your learning.
    Blog you later

    1. Thank you Asfan for that comment

  3. Kia Ora, my name is Alan and I’m from Room 7 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about raitios. Have you ever tried popart?

    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog (

    Blog you later,

  4. Hi my name is Solomone from room 25 and I like your ratio art it looks so cool if you want to check out my blog this is it


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