Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Vector visit

On Monday a lady from Vector came to see us about sustainable energy.
Yesterday it was fascinating but I didn't look fascinated. But I learnt that the turbine runs on water and to save power turn off all your power switches when you go to sleep. And that solar panels are only worthwhile if you have a battery for it.


  1. Ola Lincoln I'm Zoe from Room 24 I like your blog post on the visit from vector I remember when I went ant meet her but I got a bit lost when she said close your eyes and look and your house having solar panels If you have time check out my blog at http://odszoec.blogspot.com/ Blog Ya Later Zoe

  2. hi Zoe and thank you Zoe for that post have a great day. Blog ya later. are you a artist? peace out

  3. Hi Lincoln. Thank you for sharing your learning with us. I enjoyed reading your post.

    1. Hi Ma'ake thanks for the comment


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