Here is my Fantasy writing about
The Eye of the Bridge
In 3030 you can catch the sun but no can do it. We would only catch the moon of mars and our moon. But i am going to do it i am going to catch the sun and i got all i need and i went to the est were the sun is now it use to be in west but things changed now.I waited at the highest mountain were the sun is going to be but I heard something it came out of the ground it was like an earthquake. They look like and monster it’s arm were its legs were his arms but it was on his head ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh there were one hundred of them I started to run but i look in my bag and i have my trusty yo-yo it has more power then its sun itself and I went in this state of my life and use my yo-yo and swing it around like a tornado but yeah my yo-yo killed them all but two times the monster that came out it was like the whole army of world war two. but my heart was beating fast as lighting and I had this rush to kill but I slapped my myself and I remembered to get the sun but the sun was nearly there but I just said forget the sun and then four times the army came and I ran they were chasing me and then the sun but the sun god came and helped me kill all of them. The end